Calling all writers and potential writers:
I have been associated with my publisher for a couple of years now and we have both had some problems with a third party. That third party is no longer coming to "our party' which is only all good.
Fiona Gatt, whose name you will see on my books from now on as Editor, is the most capable person I have seen in regards to knowing what people like to read.
If you have some work that you would like an appraisal on, and I might add, a constructive criticism, you may send it along to Fiona.
Anyone who has tried their hand at writing has come up with the dilemma of finding a publisher that doesn't want an arm and a leg to put your work out into the reading public arena.
I can assure you, and I have looked, there is no greater opportunity for the novice, or even known authors to have a great boost or start to your writing career.
Poetry, children's books, Australian genre stories, drama, comedy ... or surprise Fiona, who is quite used to surprises, having known me! Here's her site.
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