Saturday, August 11, 2012

Campfire cooking 101

This is NOT the way to cook in a camp oven. Bush cooks know that flames, as shown, cannot be controlled in heat levels.

If cooked like this the item or items being cooked will either be burnt black or left raw in parts only. Either way this is a great way to waste food.

If you do not know, try this: Make your fire well in advance of your intention to cook. Ensure that you have a good amount of hot coals in the fire as it dwindles away.

Dig a shallow depression in the ground, and place a couple of shovelfuls of hot coals in the bottom of this depression.

Place the camp oven, with the prepared food in it, in the middle of the coals and shovel coals around  the outside of the camp oven and on the lid.

Times for cooking food stuffs vary, and the cook becomes more and more experienced as they use the oven more.  It depends on how hot the coals are and how much hot ember you have stacked around the oven.

You can increase the heat by adding more embers, and reduce the heat by taking embers away. Of course, it is important to have the same heat all around the oven and not just in spots.

At the learner's stage, ensure you have lifting wires to lift the lid up from the oven without spilling the coals, and then inspect the contents, aroma, the amount of sizzle and experience will soon make you the bush expert.

You can achieve damper as fine as this without a lot of learning, or burning, if you follow these simple instructions on how to use coal and a camp oven. Once cooked get yourself a hot billycan of tea, warm damper, slatherings of butter—real butter that is—and Golden Syrup. Doesn't the thought just make your tummy happy?

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