Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Odd Spot

As the average human only needs 16% of each breath to satisfy body function, the other 84% must be for talking.

My Mum used to say, "I have to keep telling you until I am blue in the face." So, obviously Mum had used up her 84% and was then into the 16% that was supposed to be used for other matters, like staying alive.
Another matter to contemplate is this: In the theory of evolution, could the evolvee talk before they could breath?  That would explain the preparation for talkative, but later evolvees.  If they didn't breath they wouldn't be able to talk, indicating that some preparation must have been made in this transition period ... Take a pick, talk or breath.

"Can't we have both?" indicated the bit of Primeval Slime with some manner of sign language.

"Oh! All right!" said Charles Darwin, "but don't going saying anything stupid."

I mean, I don't mind a bit of a chat me'sef', but I have been out-done many times by those that seem to have a breath intake of about 150% of the nominal amount allowed us average humans.

My Publisher, bless her, is not adverse to a bit of verbosity at times. However, I would not have it any other way.

[Image Source]

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