Monday, November 5, 2012

One has to admit

I am just a basic learned person.  I had a good education, I just didn't learn much.

If one is going to enter the highly saturated market of writing a 'block busting story'  then one must admit to the lack of knowledge that we may have.

I have referred to my writing as being 2nd person narrative. This is incorrect, and I have only just learned the difference.

The most common form of fiction writing takes on the position of 3rd person narrative, in the omniscient style where the writer can predict future events of the characters, can give the thoughts of the characters and in my case with the novel Freda, yet to be released, the ability of the author to give suggested thoughts of animals.

I am basically a story teller, but with the help of others, I  may just turn into a writer.

I am not ashamed at my lack of the technical side of telling stories, and I am most appreciative of those people that offer me constructive criticism.  Yes, at 74 years young, I can still learn.

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