Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Joy

My ever so clever publisher, Fiona, is doing a wonderful job of editing my novel, Freda.

I find it a real treat to re-read this story, as it is taken from many of my life's experiences, albeit I do give some different outcomes than actually happened. With my imagination I can, at least, dream that the outcome is real.

Everyone that feels that they have a story in them should write about their own life, but give it twists and turns that you may like to have happened, or even the same that you may not have liked to happen.  Does this seem foolish?  I don't think so, as you are only using your life as a basis for a story.

If you feel that your life is boring, don't ever write an autobiography. I won't, that's for sure.

I started writing Freda in 1988, and it was a different story then.  It started out in the first person dialog, and it concentrated on the township of Isisford.  I later changed it to second person narrative, as this gave me the chance to add insight into people's lives and personal feelings.

To have found a publisher, in Australia, that puts 120% into her work, and is most enjoyable to talk to, and I might be so bold to say, is now a friend.

This is more than this old bloke would have ever hoped for in my attempt to get my "stuff" out there.

Thank you "Boss Lady".

This Koolie would have been called Fred, but he looks like he could have been my Freda's dad.

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